Have you been wanting to try tai chi but are afraid you are not coordinated enough, strong enough, athletic enough? These classes are for you. Learn this wonderful ancient art in a welcoming class, just for FitC members.
This class teaches the basics of tai chi as easy to follow postures and slow, gentle repetitive movements to increase balance, bone density, strength, coordination and help you to feel more connected body to mind. We'll use a chair, sitting for some of the work, and standing next to or behind the chair to help balance when standing. Cathy is a certified level two Energy Kinesiologist, so bio-energetic theory enhances the teaching, to improve brain function and increase well being. Our classes focus on experiencing the principals of tai chi from which the benefits flow, not on memorizing the movements and form. In time you will find you 'know' the form, and your practice will have the sound foundation of the basic principles of practice.
This class is open to beginners and experienced tai chi practitioners as well. Classes will be on Zoom.
Tuesdays from 1:45 to 2:45 PM September 5 through December 26, 2023 There will be 14 classes during this period. The instructor will advise the dates when there will be no class.
This class is available to FitC members only.
The cost for the series is $181.00.
The deadline to cancel and receive a full refund is August 29.
Once you register, our teacher Cathy Layland, will be given your email address so she can send you the Zoom information each week.
© Copyright 2022 Friends Center City
Friends Center City (including Riverfront, FitC and FitC PLUS) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 2002, Philadelphia, PA 19103