Peeling the Onion is an original parlor game – no board, no dice, no spinning wheel. The only props are cards with specific subjects and pictures reflecting the subjects. There are no winners, no losers and no scoring.
I created the game to tap into the basic interest we all have to learn about each other. The cards prompt us to share our own and hear others’ personal experiences, opinions and perspectives.
Each player is dealt 6 cards with different subjects. See sample pictures below. Players will choose one card (subject) and have two minutes to describe their personal take on that subject.Players may want to keep their responses light, humorous, or deep (or all three) – their choice. There are no right or wrong responses.
The two-minute time limit per player will keep the game moving along and allow equal participation by all players. Between each round of play there will be an opportunity for follow up questions or comments directed to any of the players.
If you're unsure about participating but curious to learn more, feel free to stop by and observe a session. We believe you'll find it both enjoyable and insightful.
SPACES AVAILABLE: 8 spaces (FitC Members)
EVENT COST: $6 - Refunds available until December 30 (less $1.50 FitC Refund Fee)
DIRECTIONS: https://phillyethics.org/public-transit-parking/
Event Questions: Redwood@CodeCheck.com or: Text Message: (510)915-1265
FitC Contact: Heather Speirs (hmspeirs@gmailcom)
© Copyright 2024 Friends Center City
Friends Center City (including Riverfront, FitC and FitC PLUS) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 2002, Philadelphia, PA 19103