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"You Will Live to See the Laws Reestablished": Nicholas Biddle's epic battle with Andrew Jackson

  • Thursday, July 07, 2022
  • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Online Event


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When Andrew Jackson vowed to kill the Central Bank in 1832, he set in motion the divisive Bank War that almost bankrupted the nation. Our present political climate is as polarized as it was when Jackson and Nicholas Biddle and their supporters fought one another in the press and the halls of Congress. Cordelia Biddle brings to life the public and personal feud that riveted the nation.

Cordelia Frances Biddle is the author of Biddle, Jackson, and a Nation in Turmoil, and Saint Katharine: The Life of Katharine Drexel, as well as six novels: Sins of Commission, The Actress, Without Fear, Deception’s Daughter, The Conjurer, and Beneath the Wind.  She teaches creative writing at Drexel University, and won the Adjunct Teaching Excellence Award in 2021.  Website: www.CordeliaFrancesBiddle.net

FitC Contact/Questions Heather Speirs

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